Ivelina Dobreva

Born and raised in picturesque town in the heart of ancient Bulgaria , her thirst for adventure and curiosity for solving puzzles took her to various places till she landed in Birmingham , Al and it felt a lot like home
Being an active Reiki practitioner ever since 2007 by Usui System of Natural Healing , naturally her pathway led to ancient practices and wisdom of yoga and TCM . She met her guru Swami Niranjananda Saraswati and was initiated in May of 2008
Naturally few years and many amazing teachers later , in the Fall of 2013 she graduated 200 Hr Life Power Yoga Teacher Training as directed by Johnny Kest and later in November of 2015 , she accomplished 20 Hr Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga training with Jennifer Turner
She also has a Master’s Degree in Behavioral Psychology
Her understanding is that we will not grasp the essence of Yoga if, at the same time with practice, we do not start to manage our thoughts, calm our emotions, open our hearts, serve other people and discover ourselves.
